Music and video by Damon Holzborn.
The soundtrack was my submission for the Disquiet Junto Project 0429.
When faced with a user interface problem, perhaps you should consider changing the interface.
Part of me wants to think this is kinda neato. The other part of me thinks that these guys saw Google Glass and thought it just wasn’t privacy violatey enough.
Via momupro.
Fun band. Fun video.
Here’s a preview of the other upcoming bit of noisemaking gear from Mutable Instruments (the other I posted the other day).
Via Palm Sounds.
Both the Anushri (in the video above) and the forthcoming Akimba from Mutable Instruments look very much worth watching. Olivier is a master at doing a lot with a little. My Shruthi-1 and Sidekick are little bundles of analog goodness (or, for the former, analog-digital hybrid).